Mon 27 Jan
Ladies Make $4-$6k per week in the Adult industry With Legitimate company! - 33
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, USA)
Ladies work for a company with the lowest splits and Safety comes first! Hiring now! - 55
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, ALL USA)
LADIES EARN WHAT YOU NEED! We are the best at making you money safely! - 33
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, USA)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Join The Top Rated Agency in the United States.Now Hiring beautiful, fit and highly reliable ladies - 41
Ladies work for a company with the lowest splits and Safety comes first! Hiring now! - 55
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, ALL USA)
Fri 10 Jan
Ladies you want the Best, Here is the best! Highest and Easiest Pay in the Business! - 38
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, ALL USA & Canada)
$5-$10k monthly working from home locally, respond now and earn what you deserve Ladies only! - 33
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, USA)
Thu 09 Jan
Highest Pay in the industry Non-sexual positions! Ladies only! Call now! - 36
(Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, ALL USA states)
New College Girl Style Models Wanted - 25
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, FREE travel to Denver!)
Wed 08 Jan
Ladies Attention work for a Legitmate company and make what YOU DESERVE! - 44
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, USA)
LADIES EARN WHAT YOU NEED! We are the best at making you money safely! - 33
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, USA)
CLICK 👆 HERE ♋ :+: AmAZiNg BODY♡100%REAL ALL ME♡Hott & Sexy ★★Pic PROOF BETTER than the REST !★xoxo - 28
(Oklahoma City, Del City/240)
Ladies National Company seeks YOU! Are you the Talent that can make $5 to $7k weekly? Apply now! - 29
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, USA)
Tue 07 Jan
Ladies Make $4-$6k per week in the Adult industry With Legitimate company! - 33
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, USA)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
Highest Pay in the industry Non-sexual positions! Ladies only! Call now! - 36
(Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, ALL USA states)
Ladies National Company seeks YOU! Are you the Talent that can make $5 to $7k weekly? Apply now! - 29
(Oklahoma City, Tulsa, USA)
Thu 02 Jan