Fri 03 Jan
Tulsa Elite hotel Companion? Ask me what I Like!!: ) , and highly Reviewed! ( verified) - 31
(Tulsa, Tulsa outcalls surrounding areas)
Thu 02 Jan
DANCERS, MODELS ACTRESSES! Earn up to $1000 A DAY and more! Licensed, Legal, Safe, Fun! 18+ only - 26
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, Colorado & International)
You waiting for initial rush? That initial line that you WILL cross and there's no turning back? - 25
(Tulsa, OK)
VISITING Tulsa NOW with Beauitful Friend ... Check out my NEW REVIEWS and Come see me TODAY!!! - 22
WHaT YoU HaVe BeEn DrEaMiNg AbOuT * BeAuTiFuL TEN * BrUnETT*:):) $150 SPEICALs 918-271-9383;) - 24
(South Tulsa)
While everyone else is out battling the crowds stuck in traffic or being a couch potato at home... - 51
(Tulsa, east where the sun rises!)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
SeXy BruNeTTe w/ SmoKiN HoTT RaTeS- FaThErS dAy SpEcIaLs! CaLL NoW 2 ScHeDuLe YoUr DaTe! - 23