Now Hiring! Selective Escorts. Photos required. Relocate to Dallas ALL expenses PAID !!! Apply Now - 25

Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 01:16 PM | 4 views

Beautiful Face, Fit, Toned Body and Excellent Presentation. Our clientele demands the very best. We are very selective for that reason. By all means, inquire, you may be more suitable than you think, but do compare yourself physically with our escorts, at to ensure you are not wasting your time. (see some of our escorts profiles here, to compare yourself physically) You should be the type of escort who cannot go out without her hair and makeup done. If you take a lot of pride in your image and presentation, you will generally be physically suitable. 50% of your success will depend on your look, which is a big percentage. But it's not the only thing that is important: Warm, friendly, personable nature. A courtesan-level escort is more beautiful inside than she is outside, regardless of her beauty. NO prima donnas, 'I'm-better-than-you', or careless attitudes will be tolerated. We have a warm, caring family circle at All American Babes, and escorts who do not treat their colleagues and clientele with respect are not welcome. (If you can't be a polite lady with us, how can we possibly believe you will be any different with your clientele....?) All escorts have their own qualities. If you cannot respect a person for what they have, and take your eyes off yourself occasionally, you won't go far with All American Babes. Lose any self absorption before applying here. You should be self-aware, not self-involved. You must also possess excellent articulation. If your English is not excellent, do not apply. Our clientele is extremely particular, and they expect the company of escort who can express themselves appropriately, and understand the nuances of their conversation. Confidence and normal intelligence is a definite requirement. You will be entertaining some of the top clients in Dallas, Fort-Worth and Arlington. You need to be confident of your social, sexual and entertainment abilities, and be able to hold a normal, intelligent conversation. (Full training is provided, you cannot enter this level without full tutoring in the required standards in all areas) You need to be able to flirt with them, 'get' their jokes, and generally charm them, on top of the entertainment, so they give us excellent feedback about you. Your reward: a 5 figure weekly income. Reliability, and Substance-free lifestyle We prefer female escorts of a corporate or modeling background, but there are a few escorts who have no such experience, who still do extremely well. However you should see this position as a professional career, like any other position - only here, you make 5x or 6x as much money! You are required to be very reliable. We do not have fines and bonds etc. Escorts are given one chance. If she does not see the golden position she holds, and lets her professionalism falter, she is suspended or dismissed. Don't think for a moment this is an easy, lazy position, as in a typical Dallas escort agency. A courtesan at All American Babes will be required to take pride in her work, to earn this kind of income. There is no need for bonds and fines, as genuine escorts are genuine escorts, and the ones who aren't are very soon weeded out. You do the right thing, and rewards are endless. Substance abuse is absolutely not tolerated at All American Babes. We do not work with escorts who have dependencies of any kind, and management is highly experienced. We always know. Don't waste your time or ours by trying to gain access, as substance-dependent escorts never make it through. Reliability and clean living tend to go hand in hand. It's not hard to see the difference between a genuine, quality individual and one who is not as evolved as she could be yet... Again Ladies All American Babes Pays Relocation Expenses for Qualified ladies that are serious about making an extreme amount of cash and have fun while doing so. We have a very high call volume and cater to only upscale gentleman. All of which have passed a screening... your safety is our priority.. ALWAYS !!! Please reply with your information along with photos if you are interested. ATTN: Katelyn escorts gainsville,female escort tulsa,escorts albquerque,escorts little rock arkansas,trans escorts in seattle,bowling alley bartlesville ok,escorts in hickory nc,tranny escorts sac,tulas bay shore,little rock ar escorts
  • Poster's age : 27
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  • City : Tulsa
  • Location : Tulsa, RELOCATE TO DALLAS !!!!